Today I plan on making a point of their stuff that is all over. I told Stephen He could hang his suit in my closet. He took over the entire closet. I shall correct this taking advantage of me right away. Stephen isn't staying with me on a permanent basis. He is waiting for another residential program. I said He could store his things in my garage....not all over the floor. Today shall be laundry day, sorting and packing up for storage.
The same goes for Chris. I am loaning him a dresser and a work table. These pieces have to go to Melba Street to be set up. His electronics shall be next to be moved. Chris starts a job the middle of November. When He starts work, he is to leave my house, along with all of his possessions. When Chris leaves, Stephen will be asked to leave, too. I feel I am being taken advantage of. Where is the line between helping family members and being taken advantage of? I think We're now past the point of helping. They're young men, not kids. They can stand on their own feet, pay their bills and be responsible for themselves.
Labels: disorganization, taking advantage