Tuesday, December 02, 2008

This is my turn to address cancer. The surgeon has removed the skin from the top of my nose. He brought a flap of skin from under my eye to cover the wound. Very small stitches mean it will be hard to tell I had surgery for sun damage. After a week of healing, it is time to go back to get the stitches removed.
Spence comes with me. Spence hasn't been to this medical building in a while. We pull into the first entrance to the parking garage. It is on the back side from where I usually park, but it is the same garage. This shouldn't make a difference.
Inside, We look for the bridge on the second floor that will take us to where I have to go. It isn't there. Where did it go? No matter. There is the elevator. We take the elevator to the fifth floor and get out. My doctor's office isn't there. Where did it go?
This calls for a strategy. Another person in the elevator tells us We are on the wrong elevator. We have to go to street level and take the other elevator.
Down to street level. Out on the first floor and walking, walking, walking....there is the correct elevator. We take the elevator to the fifth floor and there is my doctor's office. My stitches are taken out. No infection seen. I receive my follow up appointment...the last one I will need.
Spence and I and several other patients take the elevator down to the second floor. There is the bridge to the parking lot. We cross the bridge . My truck isn't on the second floor where it should be. We walk up a flight. We walk down a flight. Spence matches the view to the one He saw when We parked the truck. The view out matches, but no truck. This is very strange. How could We get lost in a parking garage? Where did my truck go?
No solution but to walk to ground floor. We check the street signs. We are on the correct street.
However, We are diagonally across the street from the medical building. I don't understand how We got there, as I don't think elevators go sideways, but here We are. We cross the street, enter the other parking lot, walk up to the second floor and there is my truck...with Lily in it, barking for us.
The explanation is how the building got enlarged. My guess is that Yale Medical developed one building for medical offices. Then, they bought the building next door and added more offices. Each building had elevators. Think of a "U". First We were in one side. To get to the other side, We had to go to ground level and go up again in the other side of the U. The parking garages are a variation of the same theme. One garage is attached to one side of the U. The other garage is accessible from the second story bridge that takes me across the street . If I park in that garage, I must remember to use the bridge, or I may never be found. This complex is a great place to play a rat in the maze game. Find the cheese in the parking garage.



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