Saturday, October 04, 2008

I was weak. I bought a cake from the grocery store. I love that brand of cake...moist, flavorful , with wonderful frosting. There it sits on the kitchen table defrosting. My mouth wants some. My tummy wants some. The bathroom scales says, "Don't eat the cake."
There is the dilemma. Why do companies make yummy things that are bad for us, make us fat, clog our arteries, do bad things to our bodies? I want some anyways. (They make it because when I buy it, they make money.)

This mode of thinking reminds me of other things that I love that I should not have. When I was a child, my father bought me an all day sucker. It was as big as a saucer. It did last all day...licking some and biting off pieces to crunch. The result of this wonderful experience was my teeth were bathed in sugar for over 8 hours. The dentist loves children who eat all day suckers.

Soda is sweetened with corn syrup. I am allergic to corn. I drink the stuff anyways. This makes me sick...a classic case of an addiction to what I should not have. I change to diet soda only to learn that the chemicals that sweeten the soda are now suspect. ...a cancer cause? The final solution to this problem is one quart of tap water to the juice of one lemon, sweetened with Stevia. This stuff is pretty good.

Red meat is on the list. There is nothing like a juicy prime steak, cooked over charcoal to perfection. Eat it and you die. If the carcinogens from the blackened fat plus charcoal don't get you, then the fat in the meat goes right to your arteries, causing a heart attack. Eat a lot of that stuff and you've increased your probability to colon cancer.

In late May, I harvest strawberries grown in my own back yard. They are delicious. When my own patch is bare, I buy them at the grocery store. Unfortunately, strawberries are heavily laced with pesticides, as are most fruits.

In summer, heaven is ice cream . It doesn't matter if it is in a cone or in a dish or between two cookies. The cool treat is pleasure. The more butterfat, the better the ice cream. I like all flavors. I especially love it under a blanket of hot fudge or any topping. Then I found out I was allergic to cow's milk. That wonderful ice cream gives me clogged sinus or a runny nose and a headache. I cough to clear my throat for the next 24 hours. The awful truth is ice cream isn't good for me. It causes an allergic reaction. The fat content leads to unwanted pounds. The sugar in it does the same thing. I have to eliminate ice cream from my diet. Darn it.

Wait a minute. There are some very acceptable substitutes out there. In my local health food store, I found a frozen product made from soy. It is milk free, smooth on the tongue and tastes wonderful.

Have I found the solution to eating problems? Soy is a good protein. In many dishes, it is a wonderful substitute for meat. It is the basis for that good tasting ice cream substitute. Then comes the crusher. Most soy in the United States is genetically manipulated. Our soy beans are banned in many countries. What am I eating when I eat soy beans? What is in them and where does it come from? DNA from where? I will ask the lady at the health food store if she can get soy beans that are not genetically modified. Nothing is labeled, so I don't know for sure. I do know she said that her soy beans are genetically modified.

Fried foods: When I am out doing errends, I stop at the nearest fast food place to pick up lunch. Almost the entire menu is fried, or sugar loaded. I order the mandarin chicken salad. Not perfect, but better than the burgers with bacon and cheese.

It is hard to get good food in the United States. Maybe I will turn my backyard into a mini farm.

In the meantime, the cake is defrosted and tea is ready.



Blogger Melanie O. said...

Just be careful about eating too much soy. Soy is actually damaging to your thyroid gland: (and I think you said you have an underactive thyroid as it is?) Red meat is OK in moderation - in fact it contains certain B vitamins your body needs that you can't get anywhere else. "Eating right" is a dilemma for everyone - I try to stick to doing my own cooking and eating locally-grown fruit and vegetables. The rest, I think, is up to genetics.

9:25 PM  
Blogger gardenbug said...

You are right about soy. I don't use much of it...mostly soy milk in my coffee in the morning.
How come every animal in the animal kingdom knows its ecological spot, including food source...and the human race doesn't?

12:22 AM  

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