Friday, October 20, 2006

I'm getting a headache from the political ads. They bombard me from the TV set, radio, newspaper, billboards. My neighbors proclaim their preferences by the signs on their lawns. The trouble is, I don't learn anything about the candidates....what they stand for. ...their opinions on issues...their successes...goals for their continuing career.
I wince to think of all the money squandered on those political ads. If spent on social services, or environmental topics, the money could do a lot of good. All it does now is annoy me.
Candidates snipe at the competition. They lie about the other guy. Emotions run high. The noise gives me a stomach ache.
Politicians are very good at using a lot of words to say nothing. If they take a stand on any issue, they lose the vote from people who feel differently. I am being bombarded by a spider web of words that signifies nothing. I've heard politicians say one thing to one group and the opposite to another group. No wonder We don't trust them. No wonder We think they are two-faced.
The whole process needs to be re-done. A cap should be on how much a candidate can spend. When there is a televised political debate, all of the candidates should be heard....not just the two major ones.
Our founding fathers did not intend that Politics should be a career. Jefferson and Adams went back home to tend the farm. I plan on not voting for any incumbent.
It is clear to me that politics is not about serving the public. Politics is about politicians winning . They are paid too much and there is little We can do about it. Actually, politics is not about money, it's about power. Those in office, don't want to give up their power. I think it should be wrenched out of their fists.
Lawyers have taken over. They write laws that require the services of a lawyer. Our founding fathers intended that the common man, with common sense should be able to participate in the democratic process. This still works at the local level. Our system is flawed, but I will still vote and serve on a jury if called.


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