This and that
I've skipped from August to November. It has been a very busy year....two hurricanes and a northeaster have done considerable damage to my beach house. The tenants in the grandparents house have skipped town, turned off the electricity, left no forwarding address...and 6 dumpsters of trash for me to address. Cleaning all that up...mildew, smells, things that grow on old furniture that was left downstairs, all of that, something bit me and I got Lyme Disease. That will ruin your summer real quick.
No wonder small things escape the missing keys, described in the previous writing. To conclude that story, I found the keys in the glove compartment of my truck...about a week after I had to call the locksmith in.
I tracked down the tenants by calling the water company. The water company had their forwarding address. The small claims process is started. I know where they are living now. I know where He works. I will get what is owed me.....well, maybe not everything. What price shall I put on Lyme Disease?
All the paper work is done. Then the water company bills me for my tenant's use of water. If I don't pay their bill, the water company will put a lien on my property. So, I paid some one else's water bill. To add that bill to my claim, I had to petition the judge to let me add the water bill to the total...which is now about the maximum amount that goes through small claims...about $5000.
Meanwhile, a hurricane hits the shore. A big tree falls on the front lawn of the grandparents house in Orange. lucky it did not fall on the house. It has a twin. That tree's roots are now compromised. It will have to come down, too.
And......(are you adding up the disasters?) the in-law apartment at the beach house got ruined by Hurricane Sandy. I replaced the hot water tank, the sump pump and battery back up, and the heating plant....a hot water/boiler system. This time, my insurance company came through for me. They will pay for the new roof and some other items. I thank God for my wonderful contractor, Ernesto.
I want a vacation....away from here.
No wonder small things escape the missing keys, described in the previous writing. To conclude that story, I found the keys in the glove compartment of my truck...about a week after I had to call the locksmith in.
I tracked down the tenants by calling the water company. The water company had their forwarding address. The small claims process is started. I know where they are living now. I know where He works. I will get what is owed me.....well, maybe not everything. What price shall I put on Lyme Disease?
All the paper work is done. Then the water company bills me for my tenant's use of water. If I don't pay their bill, the water company will put a lien on my property. So, I paid some one else's water bill. To add that bill to my claim, I had to petition the judge to let me add the water bill to the total...which is now about the maximum amount that goes through small claims...about $5000.
Meanwhile, a hurricane hits the shore. A big tree falls on the front lawn of the grandparents house in Orange. lucky it did not fall on the house. It has a twin. That tree's roots are now compromised. It will have to come down, too.
And......(are you adding up the disasters?) the in-law apartment at the beach house got ruined by Hurricane Sandy. I replaced the hot water tank, the sump pump and battery back up, and the heating plant....a hot water/boiler system. This time, my insurance company came through for me. They will pay for the new roof and some other items. I thank God for my wonderful contractor, Ernesto.
I want a vacation....away from here.
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