Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The fruits of spring and summer are a delight. I love their fragrance, taste, texture. I don't even mind juice running between my fingers. Apparently I am not the only one.

After eating a handful of cherries, I put the pits in the container that holds kitchen waste destined for the mulch pile. Next morning, they were in the towel drawer. "Oh silly me. I must have aimed for the container, but the pits fell into the opened towel drawer." The pits got cleaned out and put into the container. I ate more cherries.

Next morning, the pits were in the towel drawer. This time, I knew I hadn't missed the green container on the sink. Miss Mouse is back. All peels and pits were collected into the contain and carried outside to the mulch pile. The container is now clean.

I cut open a cantaloupe and put the seeds in the aforementioned green mulch container on the sink. Next morning, miss mouse had carried every one of those seeds to the towel drawer. She ate the inside and left the husks. How much work it must take to carry all those seeds, a cheekful at a time to the towel drawer? Once more, I cleaned out the towel drawer.

She really is a hard worker. I admire the little furry creature, but she can't live in my house. who ever heard of a mouse taking up residence inside in warm weather? Most mice look for shelter in the fall...looking for a warm place to pass the winter.

My best guess is, she came through the door to the back yard. That door is left cracked open so Captain Jack can go outside. I must remember to install a doggie door in that door. Can mice use a doggie door?

I am an admirer or mice. We had them in the nursery school where I taught. They are all miracles in miniature. In spite of that, Miss Mouse has to go. I put mouse bait in the towel drawer. The next morning, it was well chewed. The mulch container remains untouched.



Blogger Melanie O. said...

We get the same problem every autumn. I discovered that they were coming into the house where the kitchen sink drain pipe goes under the house - so guess what's getting boarded up before we put the house on the market?

7:54 PM  
Blogger gardenbug said...

Let me guess: the kitchen sink drain pipe. Best of luck in your preparations before selling. I hope it all goes your way.

8:39 PM  

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