Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lily died some times ago. I still miss her. When I look at her picture, I still feel sadness. This house needs a dog around. "I will just look"...I tell myself. It is a nice day for a ride to the SPCA. I see that dogs are outside in kennels under the trees for shade. They all look good.
A volunteer has me sign in . She asks what am I looking for. She asks the usual care questions....can I take care of a dog? Are there young children in the house? Will I walk the dog? Backyard fenced in? Yes. My backyard is fenced in.
No one is allowed to walk around by themselves and I understand why. Dogs can be stressed, living at the SPCA...and strangers are an unknown factor. We walk around. Several dogs meet my requirements. This volunteer is anxious to get a dog adopted. She puts a fuzzy puppy dog in my arms and lets me play with him. First of all, I do not want a puppy. This isn't a puppy. it is a four year old male dog. I don't adopt males, either.
I can see that this dog isn't traumatized. He seems happy . I tell the director that I don't love this dog and am unsure about adopting him. The director tells me that I will learn to love this dog. The papers are put before me and I sign....and write a check. How did that happen? The staff must be good at selling....
I am going home with a Bichon Freise......a dog that will forever be a baby. This isn't a dog for me. What am I doing with this dog?
The dog bonds immediately with me. He knows that my hand is attached to the can opener. I show the dog to my does a "cute" act: rolls over for a tummy rub. cocks his head sideways and smiles. What a goofy dog.
I am not sure about this dog, but apparently he is mine now. I want him to cut out the cute stuff....He does the cocked head and smile thing routine again. I will give him a strong man's name.....none of this cutesy stuff. I call him Jack. My grandson, Chris, adds "Captain".
So Captain Jack becomes part of the family. I notice that He has a tendency to get nickname' lamb chop, fuzzy bear...yuck. This dog is TOO cute.



Blogger Anthony said...

Welcome to the family, Captain Jack! :-)

8:38 AM  
Blogger gardenbug said...

You'll see him when I drive through onto my school reunion. Your mom said she will dog sit for me. You can't take a dog seriously when He looks like a goofy lamb toy.

6:33 PM  

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